NFI Events

Please contact Andie Faber,, if you have any questions.

Fall 2024 Events

2. Campus Tour & Ice Cream Social

  • Wednesday, August 28, 4:00-5:30pm
  • Campus Tour, 4:00-4:45pm leaving from the Berney Family Welcome Center
    • Join us for a tour of campus provided by the Office of Recruitment and Admissions (ORA).
  • Ice Cream Social in the Union, 4:30-5:30pm
    • Join us in the Bluemont Room at the K-State Student Union for this come and go event. This casual social is focused on building our community and sharing experiences. Delicious K-State Call Hall ice cream will be provided. K-State guests from various departments across campus will also be there to get to know you and answer questions.
  • We really appreciate an RSVP!

3. Rocking Annual Review & Reappointment

  • Thursday, September 26, 8am-9:20am
  • Hyflex event - Join us in-person or via Zoom
  • Join colleagues for breakfast and mingling starting at 8am in the Business Building Room 4061 (sadly, breakfast is not provided via Zoom).
  • 8:30am-9:20am - Panel on navigating the annual review, reappointment, and promotion processes
    • Whether you are tenure track, an instructor, or in a visiting position, being able to strategically manage your time and effectively write narratives that demonstrate your contributions are essential to successfully navigating annual review, reappointment, tenure, and promotion.
  • We really appreciate an RSVP!


4. Deepening Engagement to Benefit All

  • Monday, October 21, 3:30-5:00pm
  • New Faculty Institute is collaborating with the Office of Engagement for this event that will connect faculty with colleagues across disciplines and learn about opportunities to build capacity to do engagement across their research, teaching, and service. Light refreshments provided!
  • Location TBD
  • We really appreciate an RSVP!

5. Show & Tell at Archives & Special Collections

  • Monday, November 11, 3:30-5:00pm
  • Join us at Hale Library as our archivists and special collections librarians share primary sources and other collection items and discuss ways that these materials have been used (or could be used) in teaching, research, and engagement projects.
  • The Show & Tell will be followed by a Q&A and discussion session where we will talk as a group about potential uses of the materials - ignite your creativity chatting with folks from across campus!
  • Light refreshments will be available after the Show & Tell portion of the event.
  • We really appreciate an RSVP!


Archived Events